What makes a successful Estate Agent?

What makes a successful Estate Agent?

While an estate agency primarily needs properties to sell or rent and customers who are looking for somewhere to move to, there is also one more aspect which needs careful consideration; an estate agency needs good estate agents. So what makes a successful estate agent? Here’s our recommendations for what makes a successful estate agent and the characteristics you should look out for.

Organised and meticulous

A successful estate agent has to be super-organized and have strong attention to detail, managing every aspect of their clients’ requests, keeping up-to-date with and cataloging any changes, taking photos and making notes of every little detail, taking the time to get creative and think of new ways to market properties. A successful estate agent has to be organized, it’s a must.

Determination and Tenacity

This is true in all markets, but especially in times of downturn when properties are not selling or when people have no money – a successful estate agent will make call after call, follow up on every lead, refuse to take no for an answer, and never give up. Another must for a successful estate agent.

Good with people

This is a people-industry since you are selling. You must be courteous and likeable, you must understand people and what makes each person tick, and you must appear trustworthy. A successful estate agent will make sellers believe that they must trust their property with this particular estate agency over others and make buyers believe that this estate agency is the one which will find them their dream home.

Local knowledge

If you are selling a property it helps tremendously if you know everything about the area, all the local amenities, nearby businesses, shops, crime rate, schools, parks, and any other information that you can use to make properties seem more attractive. You are not just selling the property, you are also selling people their future. A successful estate agent will always remember that.

Good contacts

A good and successful estate agent will have a big database of prospective buyers or sellers, landlords, and building firms, and they will also know other estate agents in order to exchange clients and do each other favors.

Good work ethos

This is the same for any business really; you work hard and you reap the benefits and, usually, the ones who work the hardest are the ones who generally do well. The equation is simple and tried and tested. Like Jack Nicklaus once said, “the harder I work the luckier I get.”

Good salesman techniques

It goes without saying; if you are going to be a successful estate agent, in other words a successful real estate salesperson, you must have good sales techniques; you must be a good ‘people person’, a good talker, persuasive, you must appear to be honest and trustworthy, polite, tenacious, and it also helps to build a great relationship with people. Basically, you must be a good salesman in order to be a successful estate agent.

Good understanding of technology

In today’s digital age, you must know and understand how to best use and manipulate the technology which surrounds us all, thus making sure that you cover every angle in trying to sell or rent out your properties. This could include effective Digital Marketing campaigns for Estate Agents such as PPC, Paid Social and SEO. Not to forget the likes of email marketing, blog creation and landing pages.

Here at Property Webmasters, we work in the digital space, we know exactly what you need to do to generate leads for your property listings! Contact us to discuss how we can help you succeed.

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