Step 1: Visit google’s reCAPTCHA page and select v3 Admin Console
Step 2: Now click the ‘+’ button to open the page to create your public and private key
Step 3: Label – This does not need to be specific but its recommended that you keep it relevant to the website you are creating the Recaptcha for, such as ‘Property Webmasters estate agents’
Step 4: Recaptcha Type – It’s recommended that you use a v3 reCAPTCHA type so leave that as selected. The difference between V3 and V2 can be found below.
Step 5: Domains – It is crucial that you enter the exact domain name of your website… ‘www’ is not required but the url plus either .com/.uk//es etc is required.
Once done click ‘submit’!
You will now be presented with your ‘site key’ and ‘secret key’
Copy and paste this information and send it to OUR TEAM!
The reason these bots exist is to manipulate SEO for their website, Malware distribution, Data Scraping, Advertising or even reputation damage.
This is why it’s important that you have a website equipped with a Recaptcha Key.
The V2 recaptcha you have most definitely experienced before where you need to select that you are “not a robot” which is usually followed by “Select all motorcycles in this 9×9 grid”
Nobody enjoys this process as it slows user experience however it is effective to stop bots from spamming. The reason these bots exist are to manipulate SEO for their own website, Malware distribution, Data Scraping, Advertising or even reputation