3 Simple Tips To Improve Your SEO

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3 Simple Tips To Improve Your SEO

Year on year there is an increased relation between real estate companies that succeed online and their excellent digital marketing strategy. To become a successful Real Estate Agent in this digital world, you need to know how to get your website seen.

Ensure you follow our 3 simple tips to improve your existing SEO strategy:

1. On-page SEO

Keyword Research

Every great SEO strategy starts with strong keyword research. Start by creating a long list of all possible keywords and variants. Create keyword ideas by searching yourself in Google, reviewing the top keywords on your website and carrying out competitor keyword research.

Long Tail keywords can generate more traffic, especially if you operate in a competitive market, which in the property industry it is competitive. Once all possible keywords are collected, use keyword research tools to determine which keywords to target on your website.


A strong content strategy will fundamentally maintain any search engine rank, have you heard the term Content is King? To ensure your content is of the best quality answer these following questions:

  • Is my content unique and high quality?
  • Am I answering all the questions my target audience will ask?
  • Does my content include imagery?
  • Does my imagery contain Alt Tags? – This will tell website viewers the nature or contents of an image if for some reason the image can not load.
  • Do I have relevant headings on my website? Starting with a H1.

If you can answer yes all these questions, you’re already on your way to success!

Meta Data

Meta Data is the title and description of your web page that is shown in a search engines results page. These should contain your main target keywords but also give the reader useful information to make potential buyers click on your website link and make an enquiry.

Page speed

The speed your website loads is important to track in order to maintain a strong digital marketing presence. Google favours optimised websites that load quicker than ones that take too long to load. A slower page speed can result in a higher bounce rate and search engines will in fact crawl fewer pages of your site.

2. Off-page SEO

Quality Links

One of the most important, yet one of the most difficult things to do – build quality links. To maintain a successful SEO strategy you need strong and trustworthy link signals pointing to your website.

But beware, if link building is carried out poorly Google could potentially give your website a penalty.


Receiving 5 star positive reviews (especially on Google) will prove to be a strong ranking factor. Great reviews will create fresh user generated content and will boost a website’s conversion rate.

Did you know that 90% of customers read reviews before visiting a business?

Social Media

Maintaining a strong social media presence will generate more interest and ultimately guide people to your website. If you network and share interesting content, this will grow your following and generate more leads.

3. Hire a professional

At the end of the day, if you don’t know anything about digital marketing you are going to do it wrong. Your job is to sell properties, which are your an expert at and our job is to help you generate more leads. These SEO tips are just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more that can be done!

Do you want to generate more leads through your website at an affordable price? Contact us today for more info or request a free digital marketing analysis!

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