Introducing our FREE Competitor Analysis

Introducing our FREE Competitor Analysis

Did you know that almost 50% of companies don’t keep an eye on their competition?

Monitoring your competitors is essential to become successful and stay on top of Google’s search results. This way you can see how well they are doing and what you need do to improve and succeed.

To give you a helping hand, we are offering a FREE competitor analysis for Estate Agents. Within this essential document we will analyse your website as well as your competitors, to see where strengths and weakness are in order to discover opportunities and eliminate any threats.

What exactly does our Free competitor analysis involve?

In your analysis we will look at 6 key areas to determine exactly who your competitors are, how successful they are and how they rank in search engines compared to your estate agency.

Our competitor analysis involves:

Keyword Analysis

You need to rank for the most effective keywords in order to generate more leads. So, the first thing we do is carry out a keyword analysis to figure out which keywords you should be optimising your website for to increase your search presence.

Competitor discovery

With your target keywords in hand, we then look at who your competitors are and if they rank higher or lower than you in all major search engines.

Want to analyse specific competitors you already have in mind? That’s not a problem, simply let us know upon request.

Next we find out why!

Link Building

Next we will look at link building, link building is the process of analysing every link pointing to and from a website and finding ways to increase the number of ‘high quality’ links pointing to your website.

Why is link building important? A website with strong linking signals will be deemed more trustworthy and ranked higher by search engines. We will look at current links to and from your website as well as your competitors.

Social Media

It’s vital to be active on social media as a business. In 2019 it is predicted that there will be around 2.77 billion social media users around the globe. So we will look at your existing social media following compared to your competitors to determine where strategical improvements could be made.

Top tip – Use social media automation tools such as Hootsuite to schedule posts, freeing up time to go out on property viewings and generate more leads!

Get ahead with your Google My Business account

A Google My Business profile is an important ranking factor, especially if your estate agency is looking to rank locally in a Google Search result.

We will check to see if your company and your competitors have an existing Google My Business account. If you don’t have one already, we can create and optimise it to the best it can be so that you appear at the top of Google in local search results.

So why do you need a Google My Business listing? Google My Business gives you the ability to list your business location on Google Maps and local search results.

Strengths & Weaknesses

To finish your free competitor analysis we will look at your competitors websites in more detail to define their strengths and weaknesses. We will look at your competitors content, use of images and what keywords they target. This will give you an idea on what you need to improve and what you are already doing better than them.

How to get started – The only thing we need to start your competitor analysis is your website and your email address, to send it to you.

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Receiving your free competitor analysis couldn’t be any easier:

Simply submit your company details to Property Webmasters using the form>

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Our expert digital marketing team will create your FREE analysis of your competitors.

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You will receive a FREE competitor analysis that will provide you with the right tools to stay ahead of the competition.

Get your FREE Competitor Analysis here >


Why keep an eye on the competition?

Your competitors could be using a new strategy or following a new trend which you are unaware of if you don’t monitor them and your business could fall behind. There may be a new way that competitors are showcasing a property which is gaining a lot of interest, if you are unaware of this you are likely to fall behind.

Knowing what your competitors are doing will allow you to potentially use their idea and make it even better!

You could be thinking of trying a new idea to market your properties, unaware that your competitors have already done this, and unsuccessfully. If you are keeping an eye on them you will already know that the campaign is not likely to be successful, saving time and money.

Knowing how your competitors work gives you an advantage when dealing with customers who are ‘shopping around’. So next time you hear the words ‘I’ll go with another estate agent’, if you know how your competitors work, you will know the reasons why these potential clients are choosing them over you. This will give you the opportunity to explain why you are better than you competition, encouraging them to choose you.

For more inforamtion, check out our previous article ‘ 5 Top Tips to keep an eye on your competition’ here >

Opportunity to compare website design

Visit the websites of your competitors and review their website. Look at what they do well and what they don’t do as well as you. Look at how their website is designed and what impression this gives off.

If you are looking to create a better estate agency website, checking out your competitors will give you the chance to see what works for them and what doesn’t when it comes to selling property in the most efficient way. Look at what your competitors website design is missing and try to incorporate this into your website to give you that extra advantage.

If you want to get ahead of the competition with a new website design, contact Property Webmasters today to see how we can help you generate more leads!

What about digital marketing?

Making sure your website is optimised will please Google and other major search engines, helping you rank higher than your competitors. Carrying out digital marketing allows you to take a more indepth look at how optimised your website really is. Your website might look amazing visually, but if it’s not optimised for search engines then you won’t rank anywhere!

Do they use paid advertising?

If your competitors use paid advertising this can boost their organic search ability, reaching more potential clients. There are many different types of paid advertising, these include:

  • Paid Per Click (Google Adwords)
  • Bing Adwords
  • Facebook Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • And much more!

If you run a PPC campaign, you can actually pay Google to appear in the top of search results, above all organic traffic so your website is the first thing that people see. If you are targeting keywords that have low competition, this is an excellent way to get immediate website traffic at a potentially low cost.

Using paid advertising on social media channels such as Facebook will allow you to specifically target your audience who are using these social media channels. Since a lot of people use social media, this is a great way to specifically target people interested in buying, selling or renting property.

Our free analysis allows you to sit back and let us do the hard work for you! So what are you waiting for? Get your FREE Competitor Analysis today!

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